the Fools

these are the people who make the Fool happen.


a note... Words, unfortunatly, hold meaning. In many circles, an 'editor' fixes texts to fit a standard. That's neither our vibe nor what our 'editors' do. Until we find a word that fits better to describe us we will continue to use this misnomer. Foolish editors make final calls about submissions, create the sections, and hold leadership positions within our crew.

Interested in becoming an editor?

While we try to keep our head-editor team small (too many cooks in the kitchen makes creative teamwork challenging) we have a big group of people who work together to make the Fool happen every term. Join our discord server to become a foolish croney! (Shoot us an email or a dm on instagram to be sent a join link)

the editors

shitty drawing of annika annika owenmark ('25)

co-head editor, digital content lead

studies Psychology and Education. They are from the Bay Area (Oakland, California) and really enjoy taking advantage of the great outdoors in Vermont. They make a lot of the non-literature submissions, and always encourage others to do the same (please please please). For the Fool, Annika does far too much, but is trying to narrow down to just being the lead on the digital content. Remember the launch party of Fall '23? Yeah. That was them.

shitty drawing of ramona ramona boyd('27)

co-head editor


shitty drawing of willow willow olrich('27)

co-head editor

has mostly been a lighthouse. Sometimes they like to write. Sometimes they even like to writer. But on most days they are at best ambivalent about it. They love you though. They wish you only the best. They are also a queer poet and creator-of-things from San Francisco (California), North Andover (Massachusetts), and Miami (Florida) in equal parts.